With the acknowledgement that whiteness is made up, and a few generations back my Irish heritage wouldn’t have counted, and a few hundred years back my Dutch heritage wouldn’t have counted, and mostly it’s shorthand for “looks like the legislators and judges expect,” I’m white and live in a culture that normalizes whiteness despite “white” people making up like 5% of the world population. When I was putting together a buttload of SF minis to add thematic variety to my collection- which is almost entirely Reaper kickstarter fantasy models- it gave me the opportunity to do two things. First, to create a setting where pale skin isn’t the most common one, and second, to explore painting skin tones both new to me and better representative of people.
I used the extremely handy Foundry Flesh Paint Set reference image to mix my own colours and tried to paint flesh from Africa, Asia, South America, and North America. I was particularly happy with the reds and dark browns you see in the second and last images. These models are all from the Infinity Stargrave “Crew” and “Crew II” kits. They’re pretty good sculpts and affordable.