Buddy of mine bought a star of Wolf’s Dragoons and asked if I wanted to paint them up for him. Of course my answer was “yes” and “it might take a while.” And it did. But I’m pretty pleased with the outcome. There was some back and forth about his vision. He was originally hoping for a digicam pattern, which I laughed at. We settled on this three-colour angular pattern instead, and I grabbed a recipe online.
Prime white, base layer in red (airbrushed ink). Then a lot of finicky little detail work with little angular scraps of painter’s tape, created by randomly crosshatching a roll of tape with a hobby knife. Once the tape was on about 1/2 of the surface, I airbrushed with grey. Pulled the tape off, then applied more tape over a different 2/3 of the surface, or as close as I could manage. Then I airbrushed with black. The black was over 1/3 of the surface, and the remaining 2/3 was roughly split between red and grey.
Once that was done, canopies got a black, a couple layers of increasingly potent green for a glass effect, and then I tried doing some teensy reflected HUD letters in orange. Not sure if I sold it, and close-ups show me I missed some clean-up, but they’re a pretty okay effect and everything looks fine on the table.