Objectification Markers 2; Thornan

More horny bullshit. This beauty is Twin Goddess Miniatures’ Thornan the Dadbarian.

These first couple of models actually aren’t my jam, sexually speaking, but I’m committed to a range of styles. This model screamed “india” to me and I tried to get colours inspired by a friend of mine. The orange was more of a “well the sword will glow blue so I need something in that range” and then checking out pictures of traditional garb to steal from. It’s a really pretty orange, no regrets. A little NMM on the buckle, a little gem effect.

I bought some bone and leathers speedpaints recently because I’m sick to death of belts and boots, so this might be the last bone I painted by hand, but the recipe was pretty easy. White with a little yellow and brown, then a thin wash of burnt umber, done. Comes out a little more sun-bleached than “dug out of ground that stained it” bone, but I figure that works for stuff people are using.

I originally thought I went WAY too hard on the OSL, but now I’m thinking maybe I’ve been going way too subtle otherwise because it looks pretty great to me now. My one regret is that I accidentally went over that reeeeaaally smooth steel NMM on the forward-facing top edge. That part I did go to heavy on, had the wrong angle. I know for next time!