City sidewalk bases

My first experiment with making my own bases! An opportunity forced on me by the fact my new Infinity models don’t come with bases like the three kickstarters worth of Reaper sculpts do. I was glad to have the chance to give it a try, and enjoyed it. They came put pretty well, too, lots of plasticard sidewalk and cork asphalt, toothpick soda cans and other detritus. Watch for them when I post my finished Stargrave Crew models!

For my own notes; the sidewalks were stained with various half-strength washes. The cardboard boxes were okay but should have been using thinner paper than cereal box. Freehanding lettering is still a PITA but at tabletop quality it’s okay. Toothpick soda cans are great; metallic undershade and a gloss varnish really sell them. Cork needs mod podge or a soak in glue to stiffen up, but it separates nicely for a cracked asphalt, and the same technique I used to break up the cards for sidewalk will be useful for ice on frozen ponds.

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