My buddy likes raccoons and steampunk. He plays OPR Wolf Brothers and we can proxy any damn thing we please, so these Skrap Rakuns from Blue Wyvern were an easy pick for xmas. My buddy wanted a deeper green and a lighter blue. I tried diy speedpaints- my technique has improved a lot, partially thanks to these models.
The green didn’t come out quite where I was hoping, and I went overboard with the mediums and got it way too diluted, but a couple of coats got me roughly where I wanted to be. I’ve got some more models to paint up in the next week or two and I’ll try to get the same colour (with a recipe written down this time ;P) without doing multiple layers, which should get me a less pooled-up effect. Fortunately I’ve been training my eye so I can get *pretty* close to these colours. It’s just about finding the right grey.
I was originally thinking NMM blue for the metals, but 1) the colour’s not right for me and 2) that’d be a lot more NMM than I have patience (or, yet, skill) for. So I pivoted Bob Ross style and got to scratch my weathering itch, inspired by my personal history in agriculture, and went for early-to-mid-century industrial equipment enamels. Then I chipped the piss out of it, added some TMM steel and rust spots/streaks, and threw some TMM copper and brass. Gotta say, I’m surprised with how much I like the result given how skeptical I was in the process.