I’m bi, and so’s this frog- you can tell by how he’s sitting. I legit had to stop a couple times while painting this caked tf up Krakia – Swamp Gurunda Beauty by Artisan Guild because my id kept going “would” in the back of my mind.
Real good contrast on the skin and a nice smooth gradient on the booty. Got some nice high contrast jade stone for the pillar. Fucked around with the bones and shells, fucked around some more with the wood and spears, most of which came out “good enough, moving on.” Grabbed this photo of an orange tree from Wikipedia for colour inspo/palette, because I find nothing works quite as well as nature photos for finding colours that work well together. Hence the pale yellow feathers in the headdress. Might have added white and pale green but I felt that’d get a little stamen-y. Anyway, probably my favourite model in the whole Objectification Markers project, and I feel I did a paintjob worth the model even if I didn’t go 100% on every element.